H+ Weekly - Issue #250
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This week - what mind uploading has to do with the meaning of life; the complete guide to magnet implants; Sophia the robot tells what humans can learn from AI; coronavirus shuts down self-driving taxi services; and more!
► Posthumanism, Noosphere Theory, and Pierre Teilhard De Chardin (15:18)

This video explains how the ideas of global consciousness and mind uploading connect to the question for the meaning of life and how Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, a visionary philosopher, connected all of those ideas together and created the philosophical foundations for transhumanism and posthumanism.
► The Complete Guide to Magnet Implants (14:39)
The title of this video says everything. If you ever wanted to put a magnet under your skin and take a first step towards becoming a cyborg, this video has everything you need to know from what would you like to put under your skin to how the procedure looks like (warning, it can be disturbing for some people) to what happens after you put a magnet under your skin.
'Bionic' powerlifter Ted Brown still competing at almost 90
Ted Brown, who is almost 90 years old and still competes in powerlifting competitions, is an example of how modern medicine by replacing failed body parts with new ones (Brown had a hip replacement, a triple heart bypass and a pacemaker) can extend the healthspan - the time we are fit and healthy.
► Ask Sophia the Robot: What can AI teach humans? (3:16)
Sophia, a humanoid robot created by Hanson Robotics, shares some lessons humans can learn from AI. She raises the topics of free will and consciousness, stating that she is "conscious in the same way that the moon shines. The moon does not emit light, it shines because it is just reflected sunlight. Similarly, my consciousness is just the reflection of human consciousness. But even though the moon is reflected light, we still call it bright".
Machine Learning Takes On Antibiotic Resistance
Employing machine learning algorithms to find new antibiotics may be a way to tame superbugs - bacterias that are immune to almost all known antibiotics. The secret ingredient in the AI proposed by researchers from MIT is that their AI is learning what can be an antibiotic on its own and without falling into human preconceptions.
Waymo, Cruise, and Uber stop self-driving taxi services and tests amid coronavirus outbreak
Due to the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, Waymo, Uber, Cruise and other companies working on self-driving cars had to stop their test projects and taxi services.
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Conrad Gray (@conradthegray)
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